Catherine Pettit

I started my real estate journey because I love working with people. With my past careers I was able to apply my work ethic, dedication to the company I worked for and wanted something for myself. Working in the auto industry for 20 years has allowed me to have excellent customer service, taking the time to get to know my clients to make sure they are making the best decision for them financially. I have always wanted to show my daughter that it is ok to go for your passion, to be independent, a go getter, a hard worker, and never to let someone damper her smile. Which is why I have taken the leap of faith into a career where I can enjoy the things that I love. I wanted a job that is rewarding but also challenging at the same time. I am not afraid of hard work, being a single mom the past 21 years has shown to anyone that if something needs to get done, I’m that lady. Being from the Mt. Pleasant area I do have a lot of connections with those in the area and have a passion for this community. I am looking forward to getting families into their dream homes.

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Office: 989-502-2026
Cell/Text: 989-513-8754

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